Showing posts with label CTET SOLVED PAPER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CTET SOLVED PAPER. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Solved TET Exam Papers

Solved TET Exam Papers

Practice Sets / Solved Exam Papers >> CTET / UPTET Practice Sets - Paper-I & II

CTET Practice Set – Part-I (Child Dev. & Pedagogy)

Child Development & Pedagogy : Practice Set - 6

बालक विकास और शिक्षा-शास्त्र : प्रैक्टिस सेट - F

Q. 1. किंडरगार्टन किस भाषा का शब्द है ?
    a. फ्रेंच
    b. जर्मन
    c. स्पेनिश
    d. अंग्रेजी
Q. 2. 'डिस्लेक्सिया' एक समस्या है जो सम्बन्धित है -

    a. बोलने
    b. सुनने
    c. बोलने  सुनने
    d. पढने

Q. 3. जन्म के समय शिशु में संवेग होता है -
    a. प्रेम
    b. क्रोध
    c. दया
    d. उत्तेजना

Q. 4. भारत में सर्वप्रथम 'बुद्धि परीक्षणका प्रकाशन किया -
    a. जलोटा
    b. भाटिया
    c. मेहता
    d. डाॅराईस

Q. 5. Principle of Psychology पुस्तक के लेखक हैं -
    a. विलियम जेम्स
    b. विलियम वुंट
    c. विलियम हेनरी
    d. विलियम बागले

Q. 6. “पहले हम हमारी आदतों का निर्माण करते हैं, फिर हमारी

          आदतें हमारा निर्माण करती हैं-” यह कथन किसका है-

    a. रास

    b. गेसल
    c. ड्राईडेन
    d. फ्रायड
Q. 7. अभिप्रेरणा पर किस कारक का प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता ?
    a. आवश्यकता
    b. भौतिक संरचना
    c. वातावरण
    d. जन्म-जात
Q. 8. निम्नलिखित में से समस्या-समाधान को क्या बाधित नहीं करता?
    a. मानसिक प्रारुप्ता
    b. मोर्चाबन्दी
    c. निर्धारण
    d. अन्तर्दृष्टि
Q. 9. भाषा-अवबोधन से सम्बद्ध विकार है
    a. पठन-वैकल्य
    b. वाक्-सम्बद्ध रोग
    c. भाषाघात
    d. चलाघात
Q. 10. इनमे से कौन-सा सिद्धान्तकार यह मत स्पष्ट करता है कि बच्चे अपनी वृद्धि व विकास हेतु कठोर अध्ययन करते हैं?
    a. मैस्लो
    b. स्किनर
    c. पियाजे
    d. बंडूरा
Ans. : 1.b,2.d,3.d,4.d, 5.a,6.c,7.b,8.d,9.c,10.a.


Practice Sets >> Practice Sets for CTET/HTET/TET Exams.

शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान प्रैक्टिस सेट /Education Psychology Practice Set

Child Development & Pedagogy Practice Sets

बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा-शास्त्र : प्रैक्टिस सेट - G

1. विकासात्मक मनोविज्ञान का जनक है -
1. फ्रायड 
2. जीन पियाजे 
3. विलिं जेम्स 
4. फ्रोबेल
2. सामाजिक अधिगम सिंद्धांत का प्रतिपादन किया -
1. वाटसन 
2. जीन पियाजे 
3. अल्बर्ट बन्दुरा 
4. कोहलर
3. ‘मनोविज्ञान अनुभव  और व्यवहार का विज्ञान है’ कथन है -
1. वुडवर्थ का 
2. अरस्तू का अरस्तू का 
3. स्किनर का 
4. वाटसन का
4. किंडरगार्टन किस भाषा का शब्द है?
1. फ्रेंच 
2. स्पेनिश 
3. जर्मन 
4. अंग्रेजी
5. ‘सीखना विकास की प्रक्रिया है’, कथन है –
1. क्रो एंड क्रो 
2. मैंक्डूगल 
3. वुडवर्थ 
4. मर्फी
6. गेस्टाल्टवादियों ने किस पर विशेष बल दिया –
1. अभ्यास 
2. संवेग 
3. पुरस्कार 
4. प्रत्यक्षीकरण
7. प्रयास एवं त्रुटि का नियम सर्वाधिक प्रयोग होता है –
1. इतिहास 
2. हिंदी में 
3. अंग्रेजी में 
4. गणित में
8. थार्नडाईक का कौन-सा गौण नियम पूर्व अनुभवों पर बल देता है –
1. बहु अनुक्रिया का नियम 
2. मानसिक स्थिति का नियम
3. सादृश्य अनुक्रिया का नियम 
4. आंशिक क्रिया का नियम
9. काल्सनिक के अनुसार संकल्पना का पुनर्गठन क्या है?
1. व्यवहार 
2. चिन्तन 
3. शब्द 
4. समस्याएँ
10. क्लासिकी अनुबंधन का दूसरा नाम है –
1. नैमितिक अनुबंधन 
2. क्रिया प्रसूत अनुबंधन
3. अनुकूलित अनुबंधन 
4. उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं

उत्तर : 1. 2, 2. 3, 3. 3, 4. 3, 5. 3, 6. 4, 7. 4, 8. 3, 9. 2, 10. 3

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Saturday, January 16, 2016

CTET Solved Papers - Pedagogy (शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान) Practice Set - H प्रैक्टिस सेट >> शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान प्रैक्टिस सेट शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान प्रैक्टिस सेट -3 (Psychology Practice Set - 3)

CTET   Solved Papers  

Pedagogy (शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान) Practice Set - H

प्रैक्टिस सेट >> शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान प्रैक्टिस सेट
शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान प्रैक्टिस सेट -3 (Psychology Practice Set - 3)

1. अभिप्रेरणा पर किस कारक का प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता –
    1) आवश्यकता
    2) वातारण
    3) भौतिक संरचना
    4) जन्म-जात

2. गिलफोर्ड ने ‘अभिसारी चिंतन’ पद का प्रयोग किसके समान अर्थ में किया है –
    1) बुद्धि
    2) सृजनात्मक
    3) बुद्धि एवं सृजनात्मक
    4) इनमे से कोई नहीं 

3. विकास की दिशा होती है –
    1) सर से पैर की ओर
    2) पैर से सर की ओर
    3) पूर्व से पश्चिम की ओर
    4) पश्चिम से पूर्व की ओर

4. ‘पर्सोना’ शब्द का अर्थ है –
    1) खिलौना
    2) घड़ा
    3) मुखौटा
    4) व्यक्ति
5. व्यक्तित्व का स्याही धब्बा परीक्षण देन है –
   1) फ्रायड
   2) हरमन रोर्शाक
   3) वुडवर्थ
   4) मन
6. हमारे मस्तिष्क का चेतन भाग होता है –
    1) 1/10
    2) 2/10
    3) 3/10
    4) 4/10

7. जन्मजात प्रेरक नहीं है –
    1) भूख
    2) आदत
    3) प्यास
    4) नींद

8. मानसिक मंदता का प्रमुख कारण है –
    1) वातारण
    2) वंशानुक्रम
    3) दोनों
    4) कोई नहीं

9. T.A.T. परीक्षण में कार्ड की संख्या होती है –
    1) 10
    2) 20
    3) 30
    4) 40

10. विकास शुरू होता है –
    1) शैशवास्था से 
    2) पूर्व-बाल्यावस्था से
    3) उत्तर-बाल्यावस्था से
    4) प्रसवपूर्व अवस्था से

उत्तर : 1) 2, 2) 2, 3) 1, 4) 3, 5) 2, 6) 1, 7) 2, 8) 3, 9) 3, 10) 4 

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CTET Solved Papers - शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान

CTET   Solved Papers  

शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान 
1. ‘सीखना’ विकास की प्रक्रिया है’- कथन है –
अ वुडवर्थ
ब क्रो एवं क्रो
स मर्फी
द मैक्डूगल
2. थार्नडाइक ने अपना प्रसिद्ध प्रयोग किया था –
अ बिल्ली पर
ब कुत्ते पर
स कबूतर पर
द चिम्पैजी पर
3. कोहलर ने अपना प्रसिद्ध प्रयोग किया था –
अ बन्दर पर
ब कुत्ते पर
स बिल्ली पर
द वनमानुष पर
4. सीखने का ‘प्रयत्न एवं त्रुटि’ सिद्धांत विकसित किया था –
अ पावलव
ब टालमैन
स हल
द थार्नडाइक
5. सही विकल्प चुनिए –
1 थार्नडाइक क प्रबलन सिद्धांत
2 पावलव ख सूझ का सिद्धांत
3 हल ग सम्बन्धवाद
4 कोहलर घ अनुकूलित अनुक्रिया सिद्धांत
अ 1-क, 2-ख, 3-ग, 4-घ
ब 1-ग, 2-घ, 3-ख, 4-क
स 1-ग, 2-घ, 3-क, 4-ख
द 1-ग, 2-क, 3-ख, 4-घ
6. ‘Psychology’ शब्द की उत्पत्ति किस भाषा से हुई है –
अ लैटिन भाषा से
ब फ्रेंच भाषा से
स यूनानी भाषा से
द जर्मन भाषा से
7. किण्डरगार्टन किस भाषा का शब्द है –
अ फ्रेंच
ब जर्मन
स स्पेनिश
द अंग्रेजी
8. टरमन का संबंध है –
अ इंग्लैंड
ब अमेरिका
स फ्रांस
द रूस
9. Motivation and Personality पुस्तक के लेखक हैं –
अ थार्नडाइक
ब ब्रुनर
स मैस्लो
द पावलव
10. खेल की अवधारणा शिक्षा जगत को दी है –
अ वाटसन
ब फ्रोबेल
स विलियम
द जेम्स
Answer 1 अ, 2 अ, 3 द, 4 द, 5 स, 6 स, 7 ब, 8 ब, 9 स, 10 ब

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Thursday, January 1, 2015

CTET-TET PART IV ENGLISH LANGUAGE- I Previous Years solved Question Papers

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CTET-TET PART IV ENGLISH LANGUAGE- I Previous Years solved Question Papers


Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 1 to 9) by selecting the most appropriate option.

Surviving a Snakebite

1 Annually, there are a million cases of snakebite in India and of these, close to 50,000 succumb to the bites.

2 When you look around the countryside, where most bites occur, and notice people's habits and lifestyles, these figures aren't surprising. People walk barefoot without a torch at night when they are most likely to step on a foraging venomous snake.

3 We encourage rodents by disposing waste food out in the open, or by storing foodgrains in the house. Attracted by the smell of rats, snakes enter houses and when one crawls over someone asleep on the floor and the person twitches or rolls over, it may bite in defence.

4 Once bitten, we don't rush to the hospital. Instead, we seek out the nearest conman, tie tourniquets, eat vile tasting herbal chutneys, apply poultices or spurious stones, cut/slice/suck the bitten spot, and other ghastly time-consuming deadly "remedies".

5 As Rom cattily remarks : "If the snake hasn't injected enough venom, even popping an aspirin can save your life." That's the key - snakes inject venom voluntarily and we have no way of knowing if it has injected venom, and if it is a lethal dose. The only first aid is to immobilise the bitten limb like you would a fracture, and get to a hospital for anti-venom serum without wasting time.

1. Of the people who are. bitten by snakes in India, the fatality rate is

(1) 5%

(2) 25%

(3) 50%

(4) 100%

2. According to the author, people living in which parts are more prone to snake bites?

(1) Crowded cities

(2) The open

(3) Villages

(4) Forests
Ans: (3)

3. Storing foodgrains in the house is one of the causes for snake bites because

(1) foodgrains attract rats which in turn attract snakes

(2) snakes enter houses in search of stored foodgrains

(3) the smell of foodgrains brings both snakes and other animals into the house

(4) stored foodgrains create convenient hiding places for snakes within houses
Ans: (1)

4. '... it may bite in defence' (para-3). This observation implies that

(1) a snake is very good at defending itself

(2) a snake may bite a human being in order to defend its prey

(3) human beings are defenceless against snakes

(4) a snake bites a human only when it is threatened
Ans: (4)

5. What, according to the author, is the reason for the high fatality rate due to snakebites in India?

(1) Shortage of medical facilities

(2) Lack of scientific knowledge about snakebites

(3) Shortage of anti-venom serum

(4) Shortage of doctors
Ans: (2)

6. In the instance of a snakebite, what should we do immediately?

(1) Tie torniquets

(2) Eat herbal chutneys

(3) Immobilise the bitten part and get anti-venom serum

(4) Cut-slice-suck the bitten spot
Ans: (3)

7. Pick out a word from the passage which means 'to go around in search of food'. (Para 2)

(1) Foraging

(2) Countryside

(3) Venomous

(4) barefoot
Ans: (1)

8. "If the snake hasn't injected enough venom, even popping an aspirin can save your life." This sentence can be rewritten without changing the meaning as

(1) When a snake has not injected enough venom, life can be saved even by swallowing an aspirin.

(2) Life can be saved even by swallowing an aspirin, even though the snake hasn't injected enough venom.

(3) Even popping an aspirin can save your life, in spite of a snake not having injected enough venom.

(4) As long as you are popping an aspirin to save your life, the snake will not inject enough venom.
Ans: (1)

9. Pick out a word from the passage, that power to cause death'. means 'having the (Para 5)

(1) immobilise

(2) voluntarily

(3) lethal

(4) serum
Ans: (3)

Directions: Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 10 -105) by selecting the most appropriate option.
Common Cold

1 Go hang yourself, you old M.D.! You shall not sneer at me. Pick up your hat and stethoscope, Go wash your mouth with laundry soap; I contemplate a joy exquisite I'm not paying you for your visit. I did not call you to be told My malady is a common cold.

2 By pounding brow and swollen lip; By fever's hot and scaly grip; By those two red redundant eyes That weep like woeful April skies; By racking snuffle, snort, and sniff; By handkerchief after handkerchief; This cold you wave away as naught Is the damnedest cold man ever caught !

3 Bacilli swarm within my portals Such as were ne'er conceived by mortals, But bred by scientists wise and hoary In some Olympic laboratory; Bacteria as large as mice, With feet of fire and heads of ice
Who never interrupt for slumber Their stamping elephantine rumba.

10. What is the emotion that the poet displays in the first stanza ?

(1) Anger

(2) Joy

(3) Jealousy

(4) Sympathy
Ans: (3)
11. Why and at whom does the poet show his emotion?

(1) At an old man because he has sneered at the poet

(2) At a doctor for an incorrect diagnosis of his medical condition

(3) At a friend who is happy at the poet's plight

(4) At a doctor who has said the poet merely has a cold
Ans: (4)

12. The poet describes his eyes as 'two red redundant eyes' because .

(1) he cannot see properly due to the cold

(2) they show how furious the poet is

(3) they have been affected by an eye-disease

(4) in his medical condition the poet is imagining things
Ans: (1)

13. 'Bacteria as large as mice' is an instance of a/ an

(1) simile and a hyperbole

(2) metaphor

(3) personification

(4) alliteration

14. 'Who never interrupt for slumber Their stamping elephantine rumba.' The meaning of these lines is that

(1) the bacteria are continuously stamping their elephant-like feet

(2) the cold-causing germs are causing much discomfort and pain to the poet without any break

(3) the bacilli are so active that they refuse to go to sleep

(4) the poet is not able to concentrate on his work due to the raging cold
Ans: (2)

15. The general tone of the poem can be described as

(1) satirical and harsh

(2) ironical and mocking

(3) whimsical and humorous

(4) sad and tragic
Ans: (1)

Directions: Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

16. The Constructivist Approach to learning means

(1) involving the students in a variety of activities to encourage them to learn new words and structures by accommodating them with those that they have already learnt through a process of discovery

(2) teaching rules of grammar and consolidating through rigorous practice

(3) helping learners acquire new vocabulary by studying literature intensively

(4) teaching new words and structures using a variety of audio-visual aids followed by practice through drill
Ans: (1)

17. What is the skill among the ones given below that cannot be tested in a formal written examination?

(1) Reading for information

(2) Meaning of words and phrases

(3) Extensive reading for pleasure

(4) Analysing texts
Ans: (3)

18. Which of the following is suitable for making students responsible for their own learning?

(1) Discouraging students from making decisions about how they learn best

(2) Using technology to chat and network

(3) Encouraging students to ask more and more questions

(4) Giving a lot of homework, project work and assignments to improve language skills of students
Ans: (3)

19. Ania, while teaching paragraph construction, should draw attention to

(1) a large variety of ideas

(2) originality of ideas

(3) topic sentence, supporting details and connectors

(4) a range of vocabulary
Ans: (3)

20. Communicative Language Teaching is concerned with

(1) teaching of vocabulary and grammar through rules of spelling and language

(2) teaching language to learners for written tests

(3) interpreting grammar rules to suit the audience

(4) enhancing receptive and productive skills such as speaking, listening, reading and writing
Ans: (4)

21. Formative Assessment is assessment

(1) of learning

(2) at learning

(3) in learning

(4) for learning
Ans: (1)

22. The term 'Comprehensive' in Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation means

(1) scholastic development

(2) co-scholastic development

(3) academic skills

(4) scholastic and co-scholastic development

23. A teacher designs a test to find out the cause of the poor grades of her learners through alan

(1) Diagnostic Test

(2) Proficiency Test

(3) Achievement Test

(4) Aptitude Test
Ans: (1)

24. An inclusive class is that in which

(1) differently abled learners study with normal students

(2) students from different nationalities study together

(3) students from different religions study together

(4) both boys and girls study together
Ans: (1)

25. 'Concrete Operational Stage' refers to those learners who are

(1) adolescents

(2) at middle level

(3) toddlers

(4) adults
Ans: (2)

26. When learners are engaged in a pair activity, taking on roles of a doctor and a patient, the activity is called

(1) Real Activity

(2) Declamation

(3) Simulation

(4) Exchanging notes
Ans: (3)

27. Essays or long writing tasks especially on a discursive issue should

(1) help students develop their literary skills

(2) help students with grammar

(3) help them to improve their handwriting

(4) help them discuss the different points of view and justify them with illustrative points
Ans: (4)

28. A teacher, Amrita, uses various tasks such as creating charts, graphs, drawing, gathering information and presenting them through pair or group work. This differentiated instruction

(1) helps learners with multiple intelligences to perform well and learn better

(2) is a way of demonstrating her own knowledge

(3) only helps the bright learners

(4) is the best way to prepare students for an assessment

29. Using a word bank and brainstorming helps to build

(1) Vocabulary

(2) Ideas

(3) Writing skills

(4) Reading comprehension
Ans: (1)

30. Gender stereotypes and bias among learners can be discouraged by

(1) enabling all learners to cook and sew irrespective of gender

(2) using textbooks which do perpetuate such beliefs

(3) creating an open and encouraging atmosphere in a mixed class

(4) pressuring girls to learn cooking
Ans: (1)

Saturday, December 27, 2014

CTET PART I Child Development And Pedagogy Previous Years Solved Question Papers

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CTET PART I Child Development And Pedagogy Previous Years Solved Question Papers


Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

1. A creative learner refers to one who is

(1) very talented in drawing and painting

(2) highly intelligent

(3) capable of scoring consistently good marks in tests

(4) good at lateral thinking and problem solving

Ans: (4)

2. Individual learners differ from each other in

(1) principles of growth and development

(2) rate of development

(3) sequence of development

(4) general capacity for development

Ans: (2)

 3. Every learner is unique means that

(1) No two learners are alike in their abilities, interests and talents

(2) Learners do not have any common qualities, nor do they share common goals

(3) A common curriculum for all learners is not possible

(4) It is impossible to develop the potential of learners in a heterogeneous class
Ans: (1)

4. Constructivism as a theory

(1) focuses on the role of imitation

(2) emphasises the role of the learner in constructing his own view of the world

(3) emphasises on memorising information and testing through recall

(4) emphasises on the dominant role of the teacher
Ans: (2)

5. Development of concepts is primarily a part of

(1) emotional development

(2) intellectual development

(3) physical development

(4) social development
Ans: (2)

6. Heredity is considered as a social structure.

(1) primary

(2) secondary

(3) dynamic

(4) static
Ans: (4)

7. The most intense and crucial socialization takes place

(1) throughout the life of a person

(2) during adolescence

(3) during early childhood

(4) during adulthood
Ans: (2)

8. Helping learners recapitulate or recall what they have already learnt is important because

(1) it is a convenient beginning for any classroom instruction

(2) relating new information to prior knowledge enhances learning

(3) it is an effective way of revising old lessons

(4) it enhances the memory of learners thereby strengthening learning
Ans: (2)

9. According to Piaget, during the first stage of development (birth to about 2 years age), a child learns best

(1) by using the senses

(2) by comprehending neutral words

(3) by thinking in an abstract fashion

(4) by applying newly acquired knowledge of language
Ans: (1)

10. Theory of learning which totally and only depends on 'observable behaviour' is associated with theory of learning.

(1) Cognitivist

(2) Developmental

(3) Behaviourist

(4) Constructivist
Ans: (3)

11. Multilingual character of Indian society should be seen as

(1) a hindrance in teaching-learning process

(2) a resource for enrichment of school life

(3) a challenge to teacher's capacity to motivate students to learn

(4) a factor that makes school life a complex experience for the learners
Ans: (2)

 12. Creative answers require

(1) direct teaching and direct questions

(2) content-based questions

(3) open-ended questions

(4) a highly disciplined classroom
Ans: (3)

13. Diagnosis of the gaps In the learning of students should be followed by

(1) appropriate remedial measures

(2) intensive drill and practice.

(3) systematic revision of all lessons

(4) reporting the findings to learners and parents
Ans: (1)

14. Which of the following statements cannot be considered as a feature of 'learning' ?

(1) Learning is a process that mediates behaviour

(2) Learning is something that occurs as a result of certain experiences

(3) Study of behaviour is learning

(4) Unlearning is also a part of learning
Ans: (3)

15. 'Self-regulation' of learners refers to

(1) their ability to monitor their own learning

(2) creating regulations for student behaviour

(3) rules and regulations made by the student body

(4) self-discipline and control
Ans: (1)

16. Which of the following does not reflect 'teaching for understanding' ?

(1) Ask students to explain a phenomenon or a concept in their own words

(2) Teach students to provide examples to illustrate how a law works

(3) Help students see similarities and differences and generate analogies

(4) Enable students to memorize isolated facts and procedures
Ans: (4)

17. Which of the following statements is true about 'learning' ?

(1) Errors made by children indicate that no learning has taken place.

(2) Learning is effective in an environment that is emotionally positive and satisfying for the learners.

(3) Learning is not affected by emotional factors at any stage of learning.

(4) Learning is fundamentally a mental activity.
Ans: (2)

18. Human development is based on certain principles. Which of the following is not a principle of human development?

(1) Continuity

(2) Sequentiality

(3) General to Specific

(4) Reversible
Ans: (4)

19. The main purpose of assessment should be

(1) to point out the errors of the learners

(2) to measure the achievement of learners

(3) to decide if a student should be promoted to the next class

(4) to diagnose and remedy gaps in learning
Ans: (4)

20. Centrally sponsored scheme of Integrated Education for disabled children aims at providing educational opportunities to children with disabilities in

(1) regular schools

(2) special schools

(3) open schools

(4) Blind Relief Association schools
Ans: (1)

21. Which of the following is not a sign of reading difficulty among young learners? Difficulty in

(1) letter and word recognition

(2) reading speed and fluency

(3) understanding words and ideas

(4) spelling consistency
Ans: (3)

22. A teacher wants the gifted children of her 'class to achieve their potential. Which of the following should she not do to achieve her objective?

(1) Teach them to enjoy non-academic activities

(2) Teach them to manage stress

(3) Segregate them from their peers for special attention

(4) Challenge them to enhance their creativity
Ans: (3)

23. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of intrinsically motivated children?

(1) They always succeed

(2) They enjoy doing their work

(3) They display a high level of energy while working

(4) They like challenging tasks
Ans: (1)

24. Which of the following is not an appropriate tool for Formative Assessment?

(1) Assignment

(2) Oral questions

(3) Term test

(4) Quiz and games
Ans: (3)

25. Learners should not be encouraged to

(1) ask as many questions as possible both inside and outside the class

(2) actively interact with other learners in group work

(3) participate in as many co-curricular activities as possible

(4) memorize all the answers to questions which the teacher may ask
Ans: (4)

26. Irfan breaks toys and dismantles them to explore their components. What would you do?

(1) Never let Irfan play with toys

(2) Always keep a close watch

(3) Encourage his inquisitive nature and channelise his energy

(4) Make him understand that toys should not be broken
Ans: (3)

27. The statement 'Men are generally more intelligent than women'

(1) is true

(2) may be true

(3) shows gender bias

(4) is true for different domains of intelligence
Ans: (3)

28. Understanding the principles of development of a child helps a teacher in

(1) identifying the social status of the learner

(2) identifying the economic background of the learner

(3) rationalizing why the learner ought to be taught

(4) effectively catering to the different learning styles of learners
Ans: (4)

29. Christina took her class for a field trip and after coming back, she discussed the trip with her students. It may be connotated as

(1) Assessment of Learning

(2) Assessment for Learning

(3) Learning for Assessment

(4) Learning of Assessment
Ans: (1)

30. The statement: 'An important precondition for the proper development of a child is ensuring her/his healthy physical development'

(1) is untrue as physical development does not affect other domains of development in anyway

(2) may be incorrect as development varies from individual to individual

(3) is true because physical development occupies the topmost place In the sequence of development

(4) is true because physical development is interrelated with other domains of development
Ans: (4)

Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHER from Part II (Mathematics and Science) OR from Part III (Social Studies/Social Science).